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Masseloux J*, CW Epps, A Durate, D Schwalm, and M Wykstra. Using detection/non-detection surveys to model occurrence of east African carnivores. In review, African Journal of Wildlife Research.


Castillo, JA, CW Epps, M Jeffress, C Ray, TR Rodhouse, and D Schwalm. 2016. Replicated landscape genetics and network analyses reveal wide variation in functional connectivity for American pikas. Ecological Applications 26(6):1660-1676. PDF here.


Schwalm, D, CW Epps, TJ Rodhouse, W Monahan, JA Castillo, C Ray, and MR Jeffress. 2016. Habitat availability and gene flow influence diverging local population trajectories under scenarios of climate change: a place-based approach. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13189. PDF here.

Schwalm, D, LP Waits, and WB Ballard. 2014. Little fox on the prairie: an assessment of genetic structure and diversity throughout the distribution of a grassland species in the United States. Conservation Genetics 15:1503-1514. PDF here.


McRoberts, JT, AW Ferguson, DL Schwalm, JM Timmer, and WB Ballard. 2013. Publication rates of presentations given at annual conferences of The Wildlife Society, 1994-2006. The Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(1):134-141. PDF here.


Schwalm, D, WB Ballard, RJ Baker, EB Fish, and HA Whitlaw. 2012. Current distribution of the swift fox in Texas.  The Southwestern Naturalist 57(4):393-398. PDF here.


Schwalm, D and R Bowman. 2004. Inbreeding depression or micronutrient limitation: patterns of hatching failure in red-cockaded woodpeckers at Avon Park Air Force Range. Pg 630 in Red-cockaded Woodpecker: Road to Recovery. Costa, R. and S.J. Daniels, editors. Hancock house Publishers, LTD. Blaine, Washington, USA.


Bowman, R, DL Leonard, D Swan, and D Schwalm. 2004. Demography and population trends of a small red-cockaded woodpecker population in south-central Florida. Pgs 187-197 in Red-cockaded Woodpecker: Road to Recovery. Costa, R. and S.J. Daniels, editors. Hancock house Publishers, LTD. Blaine, Washington, USA.

Manuscripts in preparation

Rodhouse, TJ, M Jeffress, K Sherrilll, S Mohren, N Nordensten, M Magnuson, D Schwalm, JA Castillo, M. Shinderman, and CW Epps. In prep. Variation in strength of local and synoptic influences on site occupancy turnover among four American pika (Ochotona princeps) metapopulations. Target Journal: Global Change Ecology


Olimb, SK, KLS Bly, and DL Schwalm. In prep. Use of mixed-effect modeling to identify sub-ecoregional influence of habitat variables on swift fox distribution in Montana. Target Journal: Journal of Mammalogy.


Schwalm, D, K Bly, N Schumaker, and CW Epps. In prep. Developing a restoration strategy for swift fox in the Northern Great Plains. Target Journal: Conservation Biology.


Schwalm, D, JA Castillo, CW Epps, N Schumacker, W Monahan, and TJ Rodhouse. In prep. Investigating the potential of artificial habitat and translocation to mediate climate change impacts on functional connectivity in American pika populations. Target Journal: Journal of Applied Ecology


Castillo, JA, D Schwalm,  CW Epps, N Schumacker, W Monahan, and TJ Rodhouse. In prep. Using dynamic, individual-based metapopulation models to predict future genetic diversity in American pika populations. Target Journal: Molecular Ecology


Schwalm, D, MA Murphy, JS Evans, LP Waits, and WB Ballard. In prep. Multiple factors influence gene flow in the Great Plains: the swift fox as a case study. Target Journal: Ecography


Schwalm, D, SA Cushman, MA Murphy, LP Waits, and WB Ballard.  In prep. Connectivity networks in a highly fragmented grassland system: identifying movement corridors for a rare mesocarnivore with empirically derived resistance surfaces. Target Journal: Biological Conservation.


Schwalm, D, LP Waits, and WB Ballard In prep. Gene flow and genetic diversity in a fragmented swift fox population: implications for management. Target journal: Journal of Wildlife Management.

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